Social Work
Educacional Play Center

The Jesuit social impact project manares 4 educacional play center in the Quispicanchi province in Cusco, approximately 360 children attend these centers.

Once children finish their homework they continue to the educational play center, place for play and relaxation. The space allows them to freely develop their fine and motor skills.


Our work mainly consists of play activities, allowing us to work on children’s self esteem as well as develop their social and personal skills. Many of the children we work with come from disfunctional families with a high degree of violence.


Spaces within our center such as the doll house space allows us to identify the type of violence the children are exposed to (e.g. physical, psychological and/or sexual). Our indicators que us to intervene immediately through the parish’s legal defense center.

Children in the construction space are able to develop their creativity and strengthen values such as patience, perseverance and in many situations team work. It is important to note that parents continue to believe that play is a waste of time and forbid their children to participate in these spaces, stagnating their development.


In the educational play center children are also exposed to crafts, theater, music, activities focused on care for the environment. These activities allow children to develop their social abilities and strengthen their self-esteem.

Social Work

Social Work